Player Roster
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All Golfers
Horton Smith Division
Ky Laffoon Division
Adam Waggoner
Bill Curry
Bob McKay
Bobby Stackhouse
Brandon Wagoner
Bryce Benson
Chaz Ziulkowski
Chris Moudy
Corey Clingan
Curt Walker
Dave Pawlus
Dee Murray
Donovan Harns
Doug Gaddis
Doug Harvey
Drew Bilke
Erin Campbell
Ethan Sage
Fabian Oechsle
Fielding Campbell
Garrett Morey
Garrett Stallings
Glenn Keeton
Greg Crawford
Homer Wilson
Jared Pyatt
Jeff Murphy
Jordan Burks
Kyle Catron
Larry Cowger
Lowell Catron
Maron Towse
Matt Otey
Mike Maier
Phillip Roller
Rick Utter
Robbie Sager
Ryan Miller
Sammy Burks
Scott Austin
Shawn Delmez
Shawn Platner
Steve Hoenshell
Steve Thomas
Steve Watts
Taylor Lansford
Tripp Tucker
Tug Baker
Wayne Smith